Empowerment and healing for women moving on from violence

Young womens services

Services for Young Women provided by Women and Girls Network

Click here if you are under 25


We believe in providing a confidential service that you can trust and where you feel able to share your experiences and emotions. Young women share lots of personal information with us and we believe strongly in your right to privacy.

If you are under 13 years old we would need consent from an adult in your life. Your parent/carer must give their permission for us to work with you. We won’t tell them what you talk about with us, but we do need their permission for you to work with us. 

Our Values

Having clear values in our work means we can be honest with young women and other professionals about what they should expect from us. We are all different women working in the service, with diverse experiences and identities. Having shared values means we can all work together to achieve something, even though we each have different ways of getting there.

cartoon showing our values


Our Model: Making Space

Our way of working with young women is called ‘Making Space’. We developed this approach in partnership with young women to ensure it met their needs. All the info-graphics on these web pages were co-produced with young women.

cartoon explaining our model - making space
