Empowerment and healing for women moving on from violence

Young womens services

Services for Young Women provided by Women and Girls Network

Click here if you are under 25

Getting support for yourself, a family member or a friend?

Call our our Advice Line on 0808 801 0660

When you call us, we will always listen to you, treat you with respect, and believe you. 

Always call 999 in an emergency

Other Enquiries

For enquiries, please email us at ywa@wgn.org.uk 

Please don’t share any identifying information about someone else with us unless you have their consent.


Young women who work with us may have:

  • Witnessed some form of abuse between parent/carers
  • Been physically, sexually, emotionally or financially abused by boyfriends, girlfriends or other people they know
  • Experienced online abuse and/or grooming
  • Started having lots of issues with parents/carers and other adults because of relationships others think are dangerous or unhealthy
  • Experienced or are worried about being forced to marry someone they don’t know/don’t want to 
  • Experienced or are worried about family members abusing them 
  • Experienced or are worried about people making them do things they don’t really want to do
  • Experienced or are worried about violence in a gang or group situation. 

Our service also works with young women who want to explore & express issues which they feel are affecting them. These could be:

Although some of the stuff we hear from young women can be really sad and difficult, our work is also filled with hope as we see how strong, capable, smart and creative young women can be as they navigate challenging situations in their lives.
