Meet the team

Meet our Young Women’s Team!

Our team is made up of a beautifully diverse group of amazing people, who all bring their own unique skills and experiences. We’ve shared a bit about ourselves and what we like about working with young people, take a look below!


Aisha - Young Women's Team Administrator

What’s your fave takeaway?

My guilty pleasure is getting bubble tea delivered – my go to flavour is matcha.

How do you de-stress?

My go to de-stress is dance party in my room – it will most likely be K pop or Bhangra.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

Young people have best sense of humour and the warmest hearts, my favourite part of working with them is seeing them lift each other up in our group sessions.


Amy - CouRAGEus Project Co-ordinator

What’s your fave takeaway?

Stuffed crust cheese and tomato pizza with lots of BBQ dip.

How do you de-stress?

I love walking in the park and listening to true crime podcasts.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

Young women are just brilliant! Their strength and creativity is always inspiring.


Blessing - Young Women's Integrated Multiple Disadvantage Advocate

What’s your fave takeaway?

I love myself some nice HO HO Chinese – their food cannot be compared, But when the cash is low I love some good old Morley’s – very boughetto I know lol.

How do you de-stress?

On my lucky days I love to go to the spa and have a massage, but on a day to day basis I listen to some good old school music and dance. I also love to pray, mediate and simply chill with my scented candles on.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

My absolute favourite thing is meeting and working with all my amazing young women you truly all make my job worthwhile.


Ebonie - Community Prevention Worker

What’s your fave takeaway?

It has to be Chinese, there is something about crispy fried squid I just cannot get enough of.

How do you de-stress?

Normally playing on the PS4. I love a good fighting game but favourite franchise is Assassin’s Creed.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

They have a lot of passion and really want to make change in the world. My job is to inspire them but they honestly inspire me every day. I cannot wait to co-facilitate with some amazing Young people, it will be pure magic.


Lilian - Young Women’s Advocate

What’s your fave takeaway?

My favourite takeaway is definitely an Eat of Eden platter. Even though I’m not vegan, it’s just so tasty and one of the only takeaways I still enjoy the next day.

How do you de-stress?

I like to leave the TV on pretty much all the time as like background noise, or playing really loud music. I really like reality TV and Bad Bunny specifically.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

How completely hilarious they are, and how their politics are all so much better than mine were when I was their age. It’s so exciting to see that the future truly is in better hands.


Naomi - Senior Young Women’s Advocate


Nicole - Young Women's Service Manager

What’s your fave takeaway?

Definitely a cheeky Nandos!

How do you de-stress?

Watching true crime with a berry scented candle, decluttering and dancing.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

Young Women always find way to be creative and super resilient. I have worked with many Young Women and no two have been the same, so unique and inspiring!


Roxanne - Senior Young Women’s Advocate

What’s your fave takeaway?

My fave takeaway is Korean – give me a kimchi pancake any day.

How do you de-stress?

Playing animal crossing, watching MAFS Australia and laughing loudly, or singing along to music in the shower.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

Young women are the best. They say the most inspiring stuff but always in a very cool and casual way. They keep me laughing, they make everything funny!


Tia - Young Women’s Case Worker

What’s your fave takeaway?

My fave takeaway is Chinese!

How do you de-stress?

I have been going on walks and learning meditation and also dancing wherever possible!

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

The amazing relationships we form along the way, creating a trusted relationship at the start of case work creates a foundation for the work and I really enjoy the journey – the catch ups over the phone and the text conversations really lighten up my day. I also enjoy creating care packages and ordering things they need or that can help with their selfcare.

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Yasmeen - Young Black Women’s Independent Sexual Violence Advocate

What’s your fave takeaway?

At the moment I’d say anything Korean!

How do you de-stress?

Preparing food ??‍?, strength workouts, TikTok anddddd lots of TV!

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

I know I will enjoy helping them on their journey to become autonomous, empowered beings.


Zoe - Gender Based Violence Prevention Worker

What’s your fave takeaway?

If they delivered to my area it would be Nando’s! But they don’t so it’s probably pizza! Oh, and chocolate milkshakes from McDonald’s!

How do you de-stress?

I’ve spent a LOT of time watching TV! But I’ve also walked, slept more, practiced yoga in my living room and danced! Looking after my home has brought me so much happiness and comfort, grateful for it every day.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

Young people have so much insight, they speak the truth and share a unique perspective. If young people ran the world, we would live in a much fairer society. Their resilience is astonishing, working alongside them is a pleasure & a privilege.

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Zuzi - Gender Based Violence Prevention Worker

What’s your fave takeaway?

It’s a close call between Turkish, Vietnamese & Dim Sum (I can’t choose!)

How do you de-stress?

I de-stress by reading, dancing & chatting to friends. I’ve also started roller skating & decided it’s gonna change my life.

What do you love most about working with women and young people?

My favourite thing about working with Young People is getting to experience their wisdom, playfulness and rage!